High-tech Precision V-Cut

The perfection of our new Japanese technology for V-Cut makes us guarantee the highest care in PCBs finishing.
A V-Cut machine for high-tech precision, The SHODA TECHTRON, has been chosen to enhance our Mechanical Finishing Department.
The MVC-630C, an authentically V-Cut machine for PCB final cut, able to manage the completely automated process: loading the production panel, precision alignment by optical balance, panel rotation for cutting in X- axes and Y- axes and final unloading.
A lot of parameters can be regulated to create cut program perfectly tailored on customer requests:
Management of core thickness (tolerance of +/- 0.05mm)
Chance of decentralizing core position.
Chance of making only one-side cut
Bidirectional Jump V-Cut
Cut precision achieves +/-0.05mm, and allows to work with PCB thickness till 0,3mm.
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