Flying Probe Test ATG A6
Speed, precision and delivery of high quality products!
We have invested in an ATG-A6 machine which belongs to the new generation of flying probe testers. It guarantees high productivity thanks to an automatic loading-unloading system and 16 superfast probes.
This choice has improved the electrical testing department, bringing it into line with the ever-increasing complexity of PCB designs.
The ATG-A6 uses combined testing techniques to offer the largest coverage when searching for errors:
Continuity Test
Insulation Test
High Voltage Test
4-wire Kelvin Test
Micro short detection
The movement of the sixteen arms that hold the flying probe is guided by a program compiled directly by the Gerber files of the circuit.
Total control is also guaranteed in the unloading phase of the tested circuit, where the faulty boards are automatically separated from the perfect boards.
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