WIN-WIN 2×1 sampling

Alba PCB Group has come up with a solution that lets you have 2 samples for the price of one*.
In times when raw materials are difficult to procure, and energy costs are surging to unprecedented levels, we have found a solution that benefits everybody, especially companies developing electronics and new projects.
With the WIN-WIN 2×1 Sampling solution by sending 2 samples with the same technical characteristics*, you help our production be more efficient. This way, you can buy one and get the other one for free.
Contact us to learn more:
Ph. +39 041 5902638
*Promotion validity:
• Sampling = Total area of PCB upto 0,2m² each type
• The 2 samples must be produced in the Treviso-based plant.
• Example of identical technical characteristics: 2-sides / 1.6mm / 35um / same solder and finishes, also for the multi-layer ones.
• Gerber files must be sent together.
• Delivery time: 7 to 10 working days.
• PCBs with independent tooling.
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